Eternity Across Thin Rustled Pages
Recently, I've been doing a lot more thinking about the Bible. I mean, I've been reading it daily for over two and a half years now, but recently a newfound hunger has been rising up in me. I attribute this to one source: the Lord God answering a prayer I've had for some time now. This summer, as I had a good bit of free time while doing ministry in France, I was able to spend a lot more time than normal just reading and meditating on and memorizing the Scripture. And it seems that the more I get into the Word of God these days, the more I want to just camp out there.
This quote from Jack Hayford really got my attention tonight:
"Exceeding any of its other superlative qualities is the Bible's unique, multi-dimensional power. The Bible breathes with truth that is proven in its power to set human beings free. The Bible transforms individual men and women trapped in any and every order of human failure, lifting them from selfishness and sin to dignity and destiny by the power of the grace it reveals. And the Bible heals the human soul through its unparalleled ability to communicate and infuse love into and through human nature by the power of the Holy Spirit." ("The Essential Message of God's Word")
Do I believe in the power of the Bible to do all this? If I believe it is the Word of God--which I do--then I am compelled to believe all of this. God's Word is alive and active; Hebrews 4:12-13 says as much. And God never lies.
Thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness to answer prayers and to give us a hunger for what You know we need most. Your Word is more than direction to me, more than encouragement or teaching. It empowers, transforms, and equips. It renews, refuels, rebuilds, reshapes, realigns. Nowhere else can we find eternity spoken across thin rustled pages. Your Word gives LIFE because it is Your Word, and You are LIFE.
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