
Standing in the Gap

"I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one."
Ezekiel 22:30

The Lord gives Ezekiel the message that, because He finds no one pure and holy and righteous left among His people, He will bring great destruction and punishment upon them. What might prevent this? Someone after righteousness who would seek to rebuild a righteous people. Someone to cry out to God on behalf of his people, begging for forgiveness and renewal. But no such person exists.

I hear the expression "stand in the gap" so much these days that I fear it has become a misunderstood cliche. If I am to earnestly seek to stand in the gap for my people, it means I must not only live a righteous and holy life submitted to God in every way, but also I must beseech others to live such lives, encouraging and teaching them to do so. This way, I would play my part in rebuilding the wall of righteousness that guards our land from evil. I must also cry out earnestly to God to save this land and to rebuild His Kingdom.

Lord, what a HUGE mission this is. Thak You for callin me to stand in the gap. Thank You that I CAN'T do this alone, ever. I need and depend on You to make me righteous! Lord, I accept this mission, this calling. Please show me how to play my part in leading a people back to You, to rebuild the wall of righteousness! I love You!


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